Statistical consulting is offered to businesses and researchers from any trade or discipline.
Online consulting is by far the most flexible and adaptable in order to suit customer needs. Meetings are held over Skype allowing screen sharing and immediate interaction while discussing work details, results and findings.
Emphasis is set on streamlining the path of thought and simplifying the meaning of the statistical analysis. This assures the full recognition of the strengths and limitations of the findings in the larger context. Graphics are used for illustration and deeper understanding even for those who do not wish to get into the detailed mechanisms.
For a free initial consultation with no commitment on your behalf please contact me directly by Skype or Email. Once we discuss the aims and scope of the work, a straightforward pricing will be given.
I am Committed to the successful completion of your project with fast turn-over & confidentiality.
Extracting Knowledge from data, implementing analytical practices or establishing data collection procedures.
I can do that for you very effectively!
With my many years of experience in a vast variety of disciplines, you can be sure you have the most robust and defendable methods applied.